Wednesday, March 11, 2009

9 Months!

Today Claire is 9 months old! It has gone by quickly, as I look back! Our lives have been extremely blessed by her presence! She is so much fun! She is crawling all over the house. She still does the army crawl with her stomach on the ground. I think our laminate floors help her to move quicker. She is pulling up to her knees and wants to touch everything! This weekend Scott installed cabinet safety latches on the kitchen cabinets. I also had to move our plants up high, because pothos/philodendron plants are poisonous! She crawls over to the plant stands and moves them.

This weekend I made homemade baby food- carrots, apples, squash, pears, and blueberries. She likes them pretty well, except the blueberries had that nasty "freezer taste" so I tossed those. I also tried giving her "real" non-pureed food. I gave her tiny pieces of strawberry, mac n cheese, banana, and avocado. She seems to really like feeding herself. I can't believe my baby is eating real solid food!

Yesterday the Fox 10 News Anchor, who found us moms walking and filmed me making pancakes last fall, came over and did some shots for another story. I think it will air March 31st at 10pm on Fox 10. The story was on dirty foods you need to wash- bagged lettuce, cantalope, even eggs! It was right up my little organic alley (at least I try to be!)

Today I took Claire to the Child care at church while I went to my women's bible study. Claire usually stays home to take her morning nap, but Grandma was at a conference. This was the first time I've left her with someone other than family. The lady said Claire did well, but that she was a "sympathy crier." She cried when the other babies did.

We love our little girl!

1 comment:

Todd and Kathy said...

Happy 9 month b-day! Enjoy those "month" b-days while you can. "Hi" to your mom too!