Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What's New

Possible Halloween Costume- Ladybug

Claire loves being outside! It is finally getting below 110!


I learned the hard way to wear gloves when cutting this green pepper. I've put them in salsa before bare-handed but this time, it got on my hands and I touched my nose. First my nose strarted burning!!! I had to stick my face in a glass of milk for about 30 mins, then I just put a milk soaked paper towel up my nose and left it there while I searched the internet for a cure. Everyone suggested various things that helped for a few mins. Then the burn went to my lips and my hands. My hands were the worst!! It felt like they were on fire!!!! I dipped them in milk, tried baking soda, actually keeping them covered with cold sour cream gave me some relief. However, the sour cream melted too quickly. They burned for about 5 hours!! I put some sun burn gel with lidocaine on them and tried to sleep. It seemed to bring some relief. In the morning they were much better but still tingly and sensitive. WEAR GLOVES when working with hot peppers!! Learn from me! This was the 1st time it happenned to me and I do not want to experience that again!!!

Library Story Time!!! Claire loves it! Her expression is too cute!

Holding Shakers watching the bubbles with Grayson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love her as a Ladybug!!!